| 镜头里的时光 _ 旧了,不等于没有价值了 |
他们每一件旧物品都有着自己独特的故事 或相遇 或离别 或见证 或纪念,赋予它的更是时代的意义,而我们坚信时代旧物也能用新的形式获得新生,并在一次又一次的蜕变下成为更好的新事物。
我们喜欢怀旧,其实远不止情感上的需求,就像我们的智慧和现在拥有的东西不少都来自于思考与记忆,怀旧的意义在于吸取过去的精神力量 就像我们的智慧和现在拥有的东西不少都来自于思考与记忆 .
SWAGANZ于2022年末推出最新一季的周边系列主题名为《时代》。在这个系列里包括了 时钟,凉鞋,枕头,纸巾盒,水杯,地毯六款周边产品等等。
[ 'THE GENERATION' latest merchandise collection by SWAGANZ]
The reason we choose to shoot the theme of "The Generation" in the way of narration.
“The Generation” has evolved from the old era into a theme of modern household items. We want to express through this theme that there are many old things in our life and the old things that are gradually forgotten by us. Although they are old, they have also witnessed the lifestyle of different ages, representing the imprint of times, which is worth us to cherish.
What does “The Generation” mean in particular?
Each vintage item has its own unique story, encounter, departure or memorial, which gives it the meaning of Generation. We firmly believe that the old pieces can also be renewed in a new form, and become a better new thing under the metamorphosis again and again.
Nostalgia can also be a kind of finishing, let us finish, then continue to start. Life is also the same, in many times, we stop and look back at the beginning of the mind, the understanding is different.
In late 2022, SWAGANZ launched its latest season collection titled "The Generation."